Student Belonging
Creating classrooms and schools where all students feel a sense of belonging is crucial to building literacy skills.
Children need to take academic risks to maximize their learning, but this is only possible if they feel safe and have trusting relationships. Children are motivated by literacy instruction that is culturally responsive and affirms their identities.
Establishing conditions that promote student belonging is an important first step in reaching Oregon’s vision for early literacy. Check out these resources for ideas on building a sense of belonging in the classroom.
Student Belonging Resources
Literacy Spotlight: Student Belonging
Literacy Spotlight: Student Belonging
Jump start your knowledge of student belonging with this two-page summary that highlights key points from Oregon's Early Literacy Framework.
Download SpotlightLiteracy Spotlight: Family & Community Partnerships
Literacy Spotlight: Family & Community Partnerships
Review practices to build family and community partnerships with this two-page summary that highlights key points from Oregon's Early Literacy Framework.
Download SpotlightLiteracy Spotlight: Reaching All Learners
Literacy Spotlight: Reaching All Learners
Prioritize reaching all learners with this two-page summary that highlights key points from Oregon's Early Literacy Framework.
Download SpotlightReflecting on Our Practice: Student Belonging
Reflecting on Our Practice: Student Belonging
Build a shared understanding of practices that encourage student belonging during K–5 literacy instruction with this illuminating slide deck. Use it to reinforce your own learning journey or as part of a professional learning session.
Download Slide DeckReflecting on Our Practice: Family & Community Partnerships
Reflecting on Our Practice: Family & Community Partnerships
Consider practices that support building relationships with families and communities with this helpful slide deck. Use it to reinforce your own learning journey or as part of a professional learning session.
Download Slide DeckReflecting on Our Practice: Reaching All Learners
Reflecting on Our Practice: Reaching All Learners
Review key practices that encourage reaching all learners during K–5 literacy instruction with this informative slide deck. Use it to reinforce your own learning journey or as part of a professional learning session.
Download Slide DeckWebinar: Supporting Literacy and Language for Multilingual Learners
Webinar: Supporting Literacy and Language for Multilingual Learners
Discover ways to integrate evidence-based reading practices with linguistically responsive instruction to support the literacy development of multilingual learners in this webinar.
View WebinarWebinar: Authentic Partnerships with Families and Caregivers to Support Literacy Learning
Webinar: Authentic Partnerships with Families and Caregivers to Support Literacy Learning
Consider the role of authentic partnerships and collaboration between schools, communities, families and caregivers to support early literacy learning in this webinar.
View WebinarEarly Literacy Framework Online Module: Student Belonging
Early Literacy Framework Online Module: Student Belonging
Learn how student belonging and family literacy partnerships are key to learning to read and write. This self-paced learning module explains how to foster conditions to reach all learners.
Enter ModuleCollaborative Learning Session Guide: Student Belonging
Collaborative Learning Session Guide: Student Belonging
Explore this collaborative learning session guide to develop knowledge and reflect on instructional strategies. Learn with and from peers how to create favorable literacy learning conditions.
Download GuideFeatured Resources
Check out the Literacy and Language at Home and in Our Communities resource to discover different ways that families and caregivers support literacy and language development outside of school.
Resource Library